Friday, November 15, 2013


I haven't been so great about blogging lately, so I'm issuing myself a blogging challenge: 

CHALLENGE: Write one blog post a day for ten days, limiting the text to no more than five lines (picture space doesn't count).

Once upon a time (maybe I even blogged about this?) I was taking an online writing course, and one of the assignments involved writing a series of very short personal essays - a few lines to a few paragraphs in length. Wordy writer that I am, I loved this assignment, and I still think it was the best work I produced in the course (which, sadly, I never finished because - oldest BYU excuse in the book - I got engaged). Constraints can be empowering, so for a short while here I'm going to push myself (ten days) and constrain myself (five lines) at the same time. 

And since that was all introduction, it totally doesn't count against my first five lines.

Oh, and the five lines that I refer to are five lines in the Blogger interface, which might very well be more than five lines published, but I'm not going to worry about that. This paragraph also doesn't count toward my five lines.

Day 1: Unhypochondria Part 1

I never want to be a hyperreactive parent, but by the time we were admitted into the ER, Miles was doing his smiley best to convince me I had jumped the gun. Any symptoms had disappeared by that point, and the doctor could neither confirm nor rule out an allergic reaction to egg. I should have been relieved that Miles was fine, but it unsettled me that the danger was not as real as it had felt in the moment. Still, there's something to be said for getting "first ER visit" off our parenting to-do list early.


Emily said...

Disappearing symptoms have been my unfortunate experience with EVERY doctor visit since kid #1. (Minus broken bones/stitches-wish those had disappeared.). Love hearing from you and seeing that smiler.

Abominable's Main Squeeze said...

Always better to error on the side of caution (especially for the parental peace of mind)!