Tuesday, June 25, 2013

In on a Technicality

Something both Brian and I like to do shortly after a move is to get a library card in the city we've moved to. Even though our California move is short-term, we went to the La Crescenta library last week with our change of address notification from the US Postal Service to get library cards.
Unfortunately, because we did a household change of address instead of each changing our address individually, the envelope we brought in just listed our last name, and didn't count as sufficient proof of address. They told us we could each address a library postcard to ourselves at our La Crescenta address, which they would then mail. Once the postcards arrived in the mail, we could bring them back in and that would count for proof of address.

But as we were filling out our cards, they saw Miles sitting in his stroller and said, "Your baby can get a library card today, if you want." It turns out that children, including (apparently) infants, can get library cards without a proof of address. And so, at 2 months of age, Miles is a card-carrying member of the Los Angeles County Public Library System.

His parents still are not. But he lets us borrow his.

1 comment:

Amy O said...

Funny loophole and darling picture!