But I'm not incapable of forming an opinion. In fact, there are some matters, even controversial ones, about which I have very strong and definite convictions. So in honor of this political season, which for better or for worse is at least finally over, I present a list of fifteen things I do believe, and am willing to share openly. Here they are, in no particular order (for the most part).
- I believe in Target, IKEA, Borders, and Apple.
- I believe that duvets are a superior form of bedding.
- I believe the expectation that women should regularly pluck their eyebrows is cruel and unfair.
- I believe that people are more important than things.
- I believe that family are the most important people.
- I believe that March is spring in Utah, but winter in Michigan.
- I believe that dogs make better pets than cats.
- I believe that raisins are inedible, even in cookies.
- I believe that the fear of crashing in an airplane is an entirely rational fear.
- I believe that God is a personal God and that prayers are answered.
- I believe in Christmas music after Thanksgiving.
- I believe that if someone really doesn't want to dress up for Halloween, he or she should not be forced to do so.
- I believe in using reusable grocery bags.
- I believe that the cost of a high heating bill is a small price to pay for being warm and happy in the wintertime.
- I believe that even though times can be tough and politics can be rocky and life can be hard to understand, that people are resilient, and that there's a lot of good to be found in the world if you look for it, and that life can and should ultimately be a happy and hopeful experience.
1. I believe in using reusable bags but never remember to bring them.
2. I believe raisins are only edible baked into things (then I love them).
3. I believe that no matter how many times I try to like yogurt, it won't stick.
4. I believe that when other people are cold, I'm usually just right.
5. I believe that fish make better pets than dogs.
6. I believe in eating non-breakfast foods for breakfast if that's what you want.
I believe that Google and Wikipedia have the answers to all questions.
I believe that anything chocolate is a quality meal.
I believe that the Supreme Court has often been wrong.
I believe that people that are nice for no apparent reason must be up to no good.
I believe in made up holidays because I enjoy a reason to eat candy and have my grandma send me a greeting card.
I believe that chicken soup is a great cure for the common cold (and even better with Matzo Balls).
I believe in recycling and energy conservation.
... I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's all I've got for now.
Since voicing my beliefs would require a level of introspection that makes me uncomfortable I will just say I am with you on most of yours. Especially 8-10.
-Raisins should only be eaten in times of famine as I told a coworker today who asked if my Chocolate chip cookies were raisin cookies.
-I have "safe-crash zones" on take-off and landing; these are heights at which the plane could go down and I think I would survive with less than half of my body being burned.
-Hell yes God is a personal God, and aren't I glad for it.
Oooo, I definitely don't believe in Apple or Target or IKEA. Actually, I believe in small, local stores. I think I might believe in Zingerman's ...I sound like an Ann Arbor townie, don't I?
I believe that raisin is the only fruit that is a substantial iron-source.
I believe that most monoracial people do not know how offensive it is when they dismissively say "we're all mixed anyway." I believe everyone gets two chances unless they insist that I am or am not white.
I believe that immersion (to the exclusion of all other languages) is not the best way to learn a language. I do believe in multilingualism.
I believe that sexuality is different for men and women.
I believe that I have already fulfilled my karmic quota of cheating boyfriends.
I believe I cannot make everyone happy.
Wow, not sure who to vote for now! ;-)
1. I believe that receiving a quality education happens on your own terms. Seriously, if I am not going to use this such and such knowledge in my field of life within the next 20-years, can't I be tested on it later?
2. I believe that any form of PDA (outside of hand holding and hugging) should take place behind closed doors (this does NOT include the public library!)
3. I believe that ice cream should be eaten during all seasons of the year.
4. I believe that rivalries between such big time leagues as OSU, U of M, BYU, U of U, etc. shouldn't matter in life. Whatever happened to world peace?
5. I believe that every morning should begin with a song recorded by the Van Traap family. Life would be better that way.
6. Since it's almost the year 2011, we should be able to fly our cars by now. This would solve so many traffic problems (or would it just create more?)
I rarely look at blogs and almost never comment. I cannot resist. I think that IKEA is a large cheap store, why would anyone shop there? Raisin are only good raw, never in food. I beleive that all political offices should be one term. I believe that no sitting President or former President should be on the campaign trail for others. I believe that judges should not be a lifetime position. I would exclude all attorneys from running for office, they invent new laws for their their attorney buddies to make money on. I believe that there is little difference between the Dems and Repubs - they love the power. I believe that Christmas Music can be played anytime you want it, but the stores should play it in December only, otherwise that are infringing on my rights. The best pets are having friends that have them, see them when you want to.
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