I honestly didn't expect it to be like this, because I have a good memory for places. I thought my mental map would snap into place the moment I first exited off the I-15 at University Parkway. Instead, my mental map has a few bold lines (University Ave., Freedom Blvd., Bulldog, 9th East), and then a whole lot of gray space in between. I have to wander into the gray in order for it to fill itself back in, and it only does so slowly. Although I have a general sense of where I'm going on my runs, the specifics only come to me a few blocks in advance. It's kind of like being a little militia icon in Civilization, where the terrain unveils itself as you move into it.

Even the neighborhood I live in is only unfolding gradually. I live in the Tree Streets, so nicknamed because all the streets are named after trees, instead of being named after numbers like most streets in Utah. When I moved into my house late last week I was surprised to find that I could no longer remember the names and locations of all the streets. After a couple runs and a few walks around the neighborhood with Jin, it's come back to me. From west to east, there's Birch, Cherry, Locust, Maple, and Willow, and then from south to north you hit, in order, Apple, Aspen, Ash, Briar, Cedar, Elm, and Fir.
I didn't just list that for the sake of my own memory. There's a funny little quirk in the order of the tree streets, and it used to bug me just a little when I lived there five years ago. When I rediscovered the quirk this weekend, it still bugged me. Bonus points if you can catch it. More bonus points if it bugs you, too :).

* Culs-de-sac?
Ooh! Let me play! Is it that they're alphabetical. Is it sick that as soon as I read the lists I noticed that? I reread to make sure you hadn't purposefully reordered them alphabetically as some mnemonic device.
You are so very close! It's not that they're alphabetical that bugs me, but it's related to that. And I'm glad I am not the only person who noticed that the streets are alphabetical immediately :).
Ash should be before Aspen.
And I noticed the alphabetical-ism too.
How embarrassing for the person who named them.
Wow - I never thought I'd hear a computer/video game analogy come out of you. You have surprising layers.
P.S. - Richard and Emily Gilmore would confirm that it is indeed "culs-de-sac."
Alphabetical failure but it doesn't really bother me ;)
The thing that bothered me is that D is missing. Dogwood? Douglas-Fir? I know there aren't a lot of options, but still..
The Aspen/Ash switch would bug me. But so does the missing D street.
I can't believe that you are back living in the tree streets! Of all the places in Provo that you could end up to be back there after all this time is a little ironic and would be a little weird for me. When I left it felt like I was moving on to a new stage in my life. If I were to move back for any reason I might feel like I was taking a step backward but then maybe not.
I can't believe that you are back living in the tree streets! Of all the places in Provo that you could end up to be back there after all this time is a little ironic and would be a little weird for me. When I left it felt like I was moving on to a new stage in my life. If I were to move back for any reason I might feel like I was taking a step backward but then maybe not.
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