Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To the Jane Austin fans

I really did try to like Persuasion. I just watched the movie (the recent BBC version, which I heard was quite well done), and I thought that being familiar with the story, I might like it better. I was looking forward to watching the movie, and I worked solidly on my dissertation earlier in the day so I could sit down and give it my full attention. I didn't try to grade papers or browse the internet or clean or cook while I was watching. And...I felt about the same about the movie as I felt about the book.

I have Mansfield Park on hold at the library to watch before the UK, and I'll watch it. And yes, I do like Pride and Prejudice, and yes, English country dancing was a lot of fun. But really I'm just not that into Jane Austin, and whether or not this means I'm a traitor to my gender, I'm going to stop worrying about it. At least I gave it a chance :).


Abominable's Main Squeeze said...

I have to be honest, Jane Austin fan that I am, I've never watched Persuasion. Mansfield Park is a movie? I didn't realize that. Apparently I'm not a Jane Austin movie buff.

Mansfield Park is quite different from the other Jane Austin novels. That was probably my least favorite so maybe you would love it. :-)

A. Pearce said...

Thanks for putting effort into liking Jane Austen. Have you seen the non BBC version made in 1995 starring Ciarian Hinds as Capt. Wentworth? I don't remember who made it, but I liked it. Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion vie for #1 on my Jane Austen book list. I don't think you're a traitor to your gender because you don't like Jane Austen. There are men who don't like baseball and football, but I would never classify them as lacking in their masculinity. (Those men usually end up liking soccer or extreme sports anyway.) Know what I mean?

nhodge said...

from what i've learned getting to know you over the past few years, one would be hardpressed to honestly believe that your not liking jane austin makes you a traitor to your gender. i've met several women who don't like jane austin, think brad pitt isn't attractive, or don't care for chocolate and yet women we all are! wonderful, isn't it?!

Unknown said...

The recent version of Persuasion is sort of lackluster. It has its moments, but it's not great. And neither is the older version with Amanda Root. So don't feel bad about not liking it.

Also, a warning -- the recent adaptation of Mansfield Park is, if anything, worse. It was probably the weakest of the recent remakes.

And I am a traitor to my gender for caring.

Katherine said...

I'm a fairly big Jane Austen fan, but I like her books at very different levels. Mansfield Park was one of my least favorites, and the movie didn't improve it any in my opinion. I liked Persuasion ok, though. P&P's my fave, and Emma's a close 2nd (I love the Gwyneth Paltrow version of the movie!). On a different note, you should watch the Mormon version of P&P - it's a hoot! I don't think it's a bad thing not to like them, though! I can't bring myself to like shrimp either...

Jess said...

Just to clarify that is not the version I wanted you to see. I wanted you to watch the Amanda Root version. I really like that one. It is quite bucolic and ann makes the transformation that austen intended.