Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Book Reviews

I have this unwritten list of books I think I should read at some point in my life. Most of these can probably be considered classics, though some are fairly recent. But while the books on this list are always ones I'm genuinely interested in reading, they're not always the ones I'm most interested in reading at the moment, and so in the last couple years I have been reading a lot of books, and a lot of very good books, but not a whole lot of reading-for-the-sake-of-being-well-read books.

For all my complaints about reading it, though, Persuasion sort of inspired me and my two newest reviews are both from this unwritten list: The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. I liked both of them, but my approval of The Turn of the Screw needs a lot of qualification. My next reviews will probably be a bit lighter - I have a Terry Pratchett book I'm almost finished with, and there's much less thinking required there :).

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