So since I can't decide which month will earn its place as my least favorite month of all, I thought that, here on my blog, I would perform that great exercise intended to make any major life decision for you: The Pro/Con List. Which, incidentally, failed me in my decision of where to go to grad school (my pro/con list put me in Georgia), but might be more effective in a slightly less monumental life decision like choosing which month is my least favorite of all months.
Pros: My birthday. My brother's birthday. My sister's birthday. Valentines Day treats. Valentines. Being only 28 days long. Spring break.
Cons: Winter. Really cold, horrible, no-end-in-sight winter. Winter when no one wants it to be winter anymore. Snow that doesn't melt. Sub-zero temperatures. The Deadly Sheet of Ice. Hitting the part of the semester where the initial excitement has worn off, but April is still too far away to see the end.
Pros: A couple days that feel like spring is on the way. Birds chirping. Longer days. Light in the evening. Pi day.
Cons: Winter. Days that feel like spring is on the way only to turn suddenly into snow and wind and sub-freezing temperatures. Leafless trees when things are starting to turn green elsewhere in the country. No major holidays other than St. Patrick's Day (which is kind of a boring holiday unless you drink, are Irish, or are passionate about the color green). The time change, which plunges the world into darkness just when it's starting to get light early enough for me to run in the mornings again. Realizing just how soon the end of the semester will come, and just how much I haven't done yet. No days off of school. Wind. Wind that makes the slightly warmer temperatures of March feel much colder than they actually are.
Looking over my list, I would say that March loses here. Or wins. Whichever one means that March earns its place as my least favorite month. But this blog post kind of has a touch of Eeyore, and the truth is that neither month is all depressing and gray and wintery all the time. I think I sort of have two moods, my regular mood, and my weather mood, and they are not completely intertwined. While good weather has enormous power to enhance my outlook on life in general, bad weather just means I'm unhappy with the weather. When I said in my earlier blog post that I don't tend to look back on February and think, You know, I was awfully happy with life back in February, I guess I must not have been in the middle of a very pleasant February. Because I think for the most part, while I had my ups and downs, I was happy with life this February. In fact, it was a rather nice February, as far as Februarys go.
And so, in spite of my strong negative feelings towards the month of March, and the strong likelihood that March will put me in a bad weather mood, that doesn't mean it can't still be a good month in general. It was six degrees this morning, but Yahoo! Weather says it will be 54 degrees on Friday. March last year meant passing my prelims, and this year it will (hopefully) mean getting my dissertation proposal approved. My Facebook social calendar is getting full. The class I teach is finally starting to flow. There's always the possibility that March won't be as windy and cold and unspringlike as it normally is, but even if it is, and even if it is worse than normal, there's also an even stronger possibility that I'll still feel happy with life anyway.
Summer is traditionally my happiest time of year, followed by fall, followed by spring. But I have been and can be happy in winter, too, so here's to a lovely, happy, wintery March.
Another weather blog from you!!
Okay, I'll give another obnoxious California response. We were 85 degrees on Saturday, but don't worry, it's cold right now (68 degrees) and we're getting a winter storm tomorrow (rain). ;-)
You DO talk about the weather a lot! You know, this winter really hasn't been that cold here in Utah. I don't really think the snow has stuck for more than a day or two and the weather has been in the 40s and 50s lately. I can't complain.
Also, my word verification word is rebality- that's a good one.
I'm with you, Amy. I always say that spring is my least favorite season because it lies. It gives us false hope of warmth! But warmth really only comes in the last month of spring. I'm so sick of winter!!!
See Elizabeth... Spring isn't lying. It's a tease, not a liar. It's totally upfront about what it is. It's all like, "I'm not quite summer, but I'm not quite winter either. I'm a little like both."
Now, I can totally understand the fact that some people don't like teases. It's natural. But call a spade a spade.
And the one thing that Spring (March) has over Winter, is that it isn't Winter!
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