Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 3: Nursery Sing

"Nursery music leader" kind of sounds like a made-up calling, designed to give a new mother a way to serve without infringing too much on her time. That was the last thing I wanted when I first moved into our ward. But last week, for the first time, that little girl who always hides under the table during singing time was right up at the front, stretching snowman-tall, making leaf hands and rain fingers, and turning her frown upside-down with all the rest of the kids. I just adore my made-up calling.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Speaking from experience as a nursery leader, I would have loved to have had someone like you in a made-up calling as "nursery music leader." Genius! So fun that you had such an impact already! Go, Amy!!