Thursday, October 03, 2013

5 Month Squirm

When I went to take Miles' 5 month bouncer picture, it was much harder to see a major physical difference. He's bigger, of course, but not so much bigger that it's apparent in a photograph.

The big difference, it turns out, is that he is way, way, way harder to capture in a photograph.

We tried for three days to get a good bouncer picture, but 5-month-Miles is a wiggler compared to all the previous-months-Miles. I've noticed that I've been taking way fewer baby pictures, and I think that is partly the natural progression as he becomes, you know, less of a novelty. And it's partly because he's more interactive, meaning his cuteness prompts us to play with him where it once prompted us to snap a picture. But it's mostly because he never stops moving other than to sleep, and I end up deleting three quarters of the pictures I take because they're too blurry.

But even though it may not be his most photogenic month, it's my favorite month so far, and I hear it just gets better.

He smiles all the time, but for the life of me I couldn't get a smiling picture!


Elizabeth Downie said...

So cute!!!

Emily said...

It just gets better!

Abominable's Main Squeeze said...

I can't believe he's already 5 months old! Time does fly. He sure looks like his daddy. What a darling little guy! We miss having him here (you too)!

Brian said...

Wow - I just saw this. Guess I should check your blog more often :)