Friday, June 14, 2013

On the Move

Miles spends more and more time awake and alert each day. The down side of this is that he's a bit fussier than he used to be (though I'd still call him a pretty easy baby). The upside is that he has longer periods of being cheerful and active, and he's becoming incrementally more interactive. His smiles are still infrequent and fleeting, but more purposeful now.

4 Week Smile

8 Week Smile
He's tolerating much longer periods of tummy time, too. Yesterday I placed Miles on his blanket for some tummy time while I made some bagel sandwiches for dinner. He was right where I could see him, but as long as I could hear him making his happy noises I didn't feel the need to watch him constantly. I got pretty absorbed in making dinner until Miles started crying, at which point I looked up and realized that while I hadn't been watching, this had happened:

Miles has been a big crawler from the day we brought him home from the hospital, but I was way impressed with the distance he covered this time! I think we're going to have a real mover on our hands when he's old enough to crawl for real.

Yesterday morning my mom poked her head in our room, saw Miles in his bouncer, and said, "Wow, he's changing every day! He's looking less and less like a newborn." I agree. Sometimes I feel like I get just a glimpse of the little boy he's going to become, and I'm so excited for Brian and I to get to know that little boy.


Jan said...

Miles is changing!! Thanks for letting us see. Can't believe how far he got off the blanket... CRAZY!! You're going to have to really watch that boy- starting right now!

BTW- thanks for sending the link to the photos from Target. There are so many cute shots,how do you pick?!?

me said...

He's going to grow up so much this summer! We're glad you're only away for a few months so we don't have to miss too much of little Miles.