- March 16 is National Curlew Day, the traditional date of the arrival of the long-billed curlew to Umatilla Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, which is a bit too region-specific to be celebrating in, say, Michigan.
- March 16 is Freedom of Information Day, which the American Library Association holds "on or near" the March 16 birth date of James Madison, and which recognizes those who have championed and promoted access to government information and the public's right to know. That's a noble cause, to be sure, but kind of academic. It seems more appropriate to observe the holiday with long talks and polite applause for awards to noteworthy individuals, than with elaborate desserts or themed parties or costumes.
- March 16 is Lips Appreciation Day. Good news for established couples or people who like flavored lip balm. That subset of the population does not currently include me, but I'm willing to concede that Lips Appreciation Day might give some people legitimate reason to engage in appropriate holiday festivities.
- March 16 is St. Urho's Day. St. Urho is the Finnish patron saint of the grasshopper. From what I can tell, this is just a made-up holiday that gives Finnish Americans reason to start drinking before the Irish Americans and college students start drinking on their made-up holiday.
Happy March 16th! If this blog post inspires at least a few of you to find your own way to give this lonely non-holiday a boost in the midst of this holiday season, I will have done my good deed for the day.
You could always just celebrate it as an unHoliday, sort of like an unBirthday, only less common.
Thanks for pointing out all the cool things about the 16th. It definitely made yesterday feel more special. :)
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