But it's mainly because on January 8 (I looked it up) I was doing something a lot more important.
And closing my eyes. Let's try that again.
Better. And now Eric's looking at the camera too.
Once upon a time, my brother Eric complained about the fact that I devoted an entire blog post to my sister, and not to him. So in commemoration of January 8 (the someday-anniversary, and not the blogivesary), this post is dedicated to my brother Eric.

These days he has a little more hair, a bigger smile, and a lot more altitude, but I am one of the few people in the world who can claim having known him from birth. Together we rode bikes to the Little Lake with our parents, created the imaginary underground city of Mu, braved the top of the mountain on our first day on the ski slopes, drove in "stealth mode" home from the Hollywood Bowl at 1 in the morning, and ran to the very top of the Sacred Heart hill. Over the years, we have shared hopes, disappointments, heartaches, and happiness with each other, and I'm so grateful I was able to travel to Utah this last weekend to share this most happy moment with him.
Congratulations Eric and Catherine! Catherine has gained a wonderful husband, and I have gained a wonderful sister-in-law. I look forward to many more years with both of you.
What a sweet post from a very good and sweet sister. It truly was a wonderful weekend as our whole family gathered to celebrate. Our family just keeps getting better and better!
I'm only concerned that your sister chose to wear a short sleeved dress in January. I realize that it's not as cold in Utah right now as it is in Michigan, but it's not Australia either. I blame it on the wedding industry.
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