But as I slowed down to look more closely, I quickly realized that it's actually a fake Möbius strip jungle gym. Imagine climbing around it and you'll see. A true Möbius strip is a one-sided surface. The loop should have an odd number of twists, so that if you started climbing at the very top, you would get all the way around and find yourself now on the underside; keep climbing and you'd make your way back to the top, having traversed the entire surface without having to switch from one side to the next.

The playground structure, however, has two twists, and therefore two sides. It feels like a cheat, especially since it's plastered with labels that call it the Infinity Climber. Math person that I am, it looks like something that ought to make me feel happy every time I pass it. Instead, though I pass it all the time, I just feel sort of sad and disappointed.
Well, okay, and also a little bit smug.
Boy, somebody sure messed that one up. Imagine some poor little child's disallusionment. Probably turn him aainst math forever. Well, that's what happens when you put the government in charge. ;-)
You just blew my mind. i need to go take a nap to recover:)
When I first saw this, I thought, whoa, cool... but then you pointed out the flaw, and I was disappointed. And now I'm sitting here, trying to decide if there is a feasible construction that would actually allow a true mobius, and what would happen if a child did try to climb around it? Would he end up like those ants that Escher drew?
They tried ... too bad they couldn't deliver. I remember the first time I learned about a Mobius strip, it literally blew my mind - to bad they got it wrong. Man, that really bugs me and I haven't even seen it!
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