Sunday, March 29, 2009


I wouldn't say I'm a List Person, at least not in the way some people are List People, in that my life is not governed by lists (to-do lists, grocery lists, etc.). I promise I am not making value judgements about the use of lists to govern one's life. In fact, I'm sometimes envious of the kind of structure and organization that True List People manage to achieve with their lists. I have made a noble effort to maintain a planner for close to a decade and a half now, and have only recently become mildly successful. And I have a To Do virtual post-it on my computer's dashboard, but only sort of remember to pull up every few weeks or so. I've just never been able to use lists very effectively.

But I do really like the idea of lists. I am a List Person if my relationship with lists is allowed to be more aesthetic than practical. While I'm not so great at maintaining or following lists, I do feel a sort of natural inclination towards list-making. I used to keep a notebook (in the spirit of the Happy Board) of things that made me happy on a given day. On my computer I have a file folder specifically devoted to lists - lists of music to listen to, books to read, movies to watch, children's books I would like to have in my collection. Though I rarely update the lists, it doesn't stop me from creating them in the first place. And when I go running, if I am not mentally composing a blog post or contemplating whatever emotional drama I might be going through at the time, I will sometimes put together random lists in my mind, just for fun. Boys I Used to Have Crushes on was a list that kept me entertained when I was at BYU, but I've kind of lost interest in that one since I came to Michigan. I have also thought about lists like My Top Ten Favorite Books of All Time, or Foods I Really Enjoy Eating, or Subjects I Considered Majoring In During My Freshman Year of College. Sometimes I think it would be fun to keep a notebook just for lists, and I could actually write these things down. They say a lot about me, and I suspect that the way some of the lists change over time would say a lot about me as well. It is not, of course, true that everyone is all that interested in what these lists say about me. The notebook would just be for personal reference. Like a more fun and creative form of journal.

But blogs are one place where you can assume that anyone reading is at least mildly interested in knowing about you, or at least invested enough to read on the assumption that you are also reading their blog. So just for fun, since I didn't feel like I had much in the way of bloggable events this weekend, I'm going to be self-indulgent and post five lists of five things about me. I'm curious what kinds of lists other people might make for themselves.

List I: Five foods I dislike
Blue cheese
Pez candy

List II: Five things that never fail to make me happy
Visiting my grandma's house
Talking to my little sister
Playing Boggle
Baking cookies

List III: Five books I felt like I should read at at least two points in my life but could never get through
Wuthering Heights
Anne of Green Gables
The Wind in the Willows
Anna Karenina

List IV: Five states I don't really want to live in (no offense to anyone)
North Dakota
New Jersey

List V: Five things I used to do that I wish I could pick up again
Write poetry
Draw (especially in colored pencil and oil pastels)
Swim laps
Read the Cyrillic alphabet
Practice the organ


bean said...

I like you list's, my most recent list was a bucket list of things I need to do before I die. I made a goal to do at least one a year and if more come than add them, this year so far I have *made a quilt, *Swam with sharks, *Visited Hawaii (though part of a bigger goal to go to all states) * and Ride a Scooter, Hawaii is an amazing place to accomplish that goal. Anyway this is my favorite list and so fun to do. I have 50 more to do and more to add, something to list about in the future. Next on my bucket list * see Michigan hehe

Garth said...

First of all, when you start off by saying "no offense" it means you are going to offend someone and that you don't care that you might have hurt someone's feelings, cause them to go into their dark closet, and cry for being emotionally hurt.
Second, have you ever even been to Idaho? Montana, Wyoming, and even South Dakota are much worse than Idaho. At least in Idaho you can get to a grocery store without having to cross the state border. And I actually think Idaho is the best state to grow up in.
Third and Final, Steak and potatoes (which come from Idaho) are very patriotic foods. But the rest of your lists sounded good.

nhodge said...

though i've never tried to read the others on your list, i can't tell you how many times i've tried (unsuccessfully) to get through Wuthering Heights. i found it so dull which surprised me given how much i loved Jane Eyre. yes, i realize they're written by different people but they're sisters! and their styles are pretty similar. the only list i have going is a list of things to do before i die (bucket list, right?) which inclues things like skydiving, parasailing, and visiting europe. your lists are much more interesting!

Elizabeth Downie said...

Wuthering Heights is one of my favorites! Try it again at some point - you never know. You might be in the right place!