Remember the house key sitting in the pocket of my running pants.
Call my roommate. Leave a message. Drive over to the office. Find out the office had closed a half hour ago. Call maintenance. Am told they am be there "right away" but it will cost me $25. Call my roommate again. No answer. Text my roommate. No answer. Get in my car. Wait. Get bored. Pick up the mail. Nothing interesting. Look at Jin through the window. Get back in my car. Turn on the heater. Wait for maintenance. 25 minutes later am still waiting. Pull out my laptop and learn that my apartment has a strong internet signal. Write a blog. Start to feel hungry. Still no maintenance. Still no word from my roommate.
Reflect on the fact that I have locked myself out of every place I have ever lived as a key-carrying adult. Plus at least three houses I babysat at. Plus my car, twice. Mentally run through all eleven places I have lived as a key-carrying adult to make sure my statement is accurate. It is. 40 minutes after being told maintenance will be there right away, I decide spare keys might be a good idea for me. Finish my blog. Realize I probably won't make it to volleyball tonight.
Am trying to remind myself that a crummy end doesn't negate a really good day.
Still no maintenance.
Oh no! I hope they let you in before you froze to death. You've really got to train Jin to open the door on command. (only on command, or he'll be out galavanting during the day...)
Were you still stranded when I called? Oh, and thanks for doing your part to keep Borders in business. I used up the last of my gift cards the other day...
:( I'm glad you at least were able to get the spare key from me eventually, before you froze! Bummer that you had to go through all that. I'll get you some kind of key hider for your birthday! ;)
Sorry about your locked-out misadventure. I had one of my own yesterday when I locked my keys/all my stuff inside a practice room and couldn't find anyone to open it for me until three hours later. Fortunately, I was able to wait it out while watching the Jazz game in the computer lab.
Oh, Amy! I feel your pain. Locking myself out of the house isn't usually a problem, but I used to lock myself out of my car like nobody's business! Seriously, I actually used up my allotted amount of lock-outs from AAA and had to start getting reimbursed by my insurance. Ridiculous. A spare key would definitely be a good idea.
I used to be famous for locking myself out of my car (so you must get it from me). One of dad's favorite stories about me is when I locked myself out in Indiana. I was so embarrassed to call dad AGAIN to bail me out that I stuck my arm through the cracked window to unlock the door which wasn't open nearly wide enough to reasonably allow that. I ended up with an arm deeply bruised from top to bottom, but I didn't have to call for help! :-)
Either you've been saving this post for a whole year (which is doubtful, due to the references to Jin) or you meant "1.5.09". It's okay - I usually don't consistently remember to write the new year until around April.
P.S. - $25?!? What a racket!
I'm going to break my cardinal rule of never commenting on my own blog and say it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has locking-myself-out-of-important-places problems.
Brady - yes, I had just learned that the office was closed when you called. In the split second I had to decide whether to say things were good or things were crummy, I chose to say good and then had to stick with that. After I wrote my blog, I wondered if you would wonder...
Elizabeth - thanks for giving me cookies along with my keys. I hadn't eaten since 12:30 and was starving by that point!
Brian - it usually takes me a good three or four months before I can consistently remember what year it is. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. It's fixed now :).
Fast forward to the next day, the best day of your life. A day which might as well have been sunny and 70 degrees because that's what it feels like to spend 6 hours riding around southeastern Michigan with Jessica and Carissa.
The real question is have you ever locked your keys in your car while it is running? Something to ponder...:)
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