Yes, I am confused too. A month or more ago I started getting email updates telling me what I should expect at week 24, or what baby product offers are available on the internet, or what the fetus growing inside me looks like right now. I am pretty sure I am not pregnant, unless (s)he is an awfully small baby (even for 28 weeks) with no father, and no ability to temporarily suspend the normal female biological cycle (sorry guys). I thought maybe my little sister had played a joke on me by signing me up for this email list, since she's been pestering me to give her nieces and nephews for about 10 years now, and I wouldn't put it past her to crank up the pressure a bit. But she swears she didn't (and I am about 75% sure that she is telling the truth). So now I am left wondering which of you among my friends, family, or acquaintances is 28 weeks pregnant, because I think you accidentally typed in my email address instead of yours. It's an honest mistake, I'm sure, but I'd be happy to start sending these emails your way.
Actually, I tried to remove myself from the mailing list when the messages began flooding my inbox, but they haven't stopped coming. So I've reconciled myself to their persistent presence, and am keeping careful track of the growth of my first child. I think it will be a boy, and I'm open to suggestions for names in the comment thread. I wanted to go to one of those face-morphing websites to see what my child might look like, except it's kind of boring to morph myself with myself (I guess there are other down sides to immaculate conception, besides the obvious one). So instead I decided to ask myself, "If I were stranded on a desert island with a limited number of survivors of a mysterious plane crash, who would I want to father my child?" And please don't read too much into that question. This post is already awkward enough as it is :).

Stay tuned. I look forward to giving birth to my virtual child. I'm just not too keen on the idea of going into virtual labor...
Hahaha, I love this post! Your morphed pictures are awesome. Congrats on the baby. I can't wait to throw you a shower!
Congratulations! My first virtual grandchild. I guess when you have a virtual shower, I only have to give you a virtual gift?
I don't want to be the aunt of those children. They're a little scary.
Oh my goodness! HILARIOUS!!! I really hope a virtual pregnancy isn't as icky as a real one...I just got off the phone with a friend who's preggers IRL, and she's been sick for several months... Those morphed photos are hilarious!!!
amy I love it. And the father's look handsome. haha!
Creepy. Was the father of the third child Michael Moore?
You should definitely go for Desmond. I think that combination leads to the best looking child. If, indeed, you are stranded on a mysterious desert island, and you need to chose one...
I am saddened that your Desmond offspring does not have better hair. I would think your hair+Desomnd's hair=awesome head of hair.
Lol. I've looked at those sites, but I definately didn't sign up to get weekly reminders!! And I'm not that far along yer. Congrats on your virtual Zygote! Maybe my kid and your kid can join up in a chat room someday ;-)
I think I'm going to sign friends up for this service! I've never laughed so hard in all my life!
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