But on Sunday morning when I took Jin on a walk, there was a point where he went into stalking mode like I have never seen him stalk before. In fact, he slowed down so much I was practically dragging him along on the leash, and anyone who has seen me walk Jin, or has had the pleasure themselves, knows that this is not usually a problem. I looked around to try to see what he was stalking and could see nothing - no squirrel, no small animal, no pile of leaves that looked like a small animal.
And then we passed an orange traffic cone, and the way Jin turned his head and stared at the orange cone as we walked by made me think that he must have been stalking the traffic cone. What a funny idea, I thought, and I laughed about it to myself.
Then this evening when I took Jin on his walk, he went into stalking mode again, with no squirrel in sight. And sure enough, I looked around and there within Jin's stalking radius was another orange traffic cone. He really was stalking the cone! This time when I laughed, I laughed out loud.
This coming Thanksgiving, I am going to be grateful for a dog who can protect me from orange traffic cones.
Well, they can be pretty dangerous you know.
Maybe you should always carry a traffic cone with you on the walks. That way, if he starts taking off, you can just throw it out in front of him, and he'll slow down!
Oh, please, please take me on this walk with you. I love when dogs do funny things!
You may joke about it now but I have heard horrendous stories of people being pummeled to death by those seemingly innocent orange cones. Beware my friend, beware! Your dog is wise in sensing such potential grave danger.
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