Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Score another one for running

For all the health benefits that come from exercise, the outlook isn't 100% positive. I sometimes get this vibe from certain unnamed members of the family that they expect all the running I do to eventually take its toll on my knees and drive me to cycling (though everything I read from completely un-runner-biased sources like Runner's World suggests that this is a major running myth). So I feel some small satisfaction in reading a higher risk of back problems is created by participation in almost any sport - tennis, football, gymnastics, rowing, cycling...about everything except running. So there.

Not that I rejoice in other peoples' higher risk of back problems, and especially not their current back problems. I just feel the need to defend my sport.


Faceless Ghost said...

Yeah, but there seems to be more of history of knee problems in our family. Genetic disposition?

Like it or not, you'll wind up on a bike--it is your destiny (evil laugh).

Abominable Snowman said...

Back, knees, ankles,..... Why do these all hurt? I am too young to feel this way!!

Melanie said...

I rejoice in other people's higher risk of back problems. It is my favorite past time

Trueblat said...

I'm actually running into a little bit of knee problems preparing for my first half marathon which happens in a month.

For me though, I'm pretty sure it's that I still had my running shoes from 1999. I have since replaced them, but still slowly working my way back up to what I was running before.

KMDuff said...

Running is the best sport b/c its cheaper than biking. JMO. :)

Finally went to the foot doctor today and got orthotics for my foot. hopefully I'll be run/walking again in a month or two.

Back problems are way worse than knee problems IMO again. :)